Gleam script code no longer working


We occasionally run a competition using Gleam and this has worked fine in Webflow previously. However, it looks like something has changed in the way Webflow parses Gleam scripts and now I cannot get the widget to embed. Here’s the code I’m trying to use:

<a class="e-widget no-button" href="" rel="nofollow">Win a copy of The Procession to Calvary on PC!</a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="" async="true"></script>

It seems pretty straightforward - any idea why this won’t work in Webflow?

Ironically, it works just fine in this forum…

The URL to the (now Draft) article is

Link to the preview site:


Just realised that script has been added in-line to Webflow now! All solved :slight_smile:

thanks for this information!!