Getting spam form emails

My website and my client websites are getting spam emails once a day at least and it is becoming extremely painful. I’m not sure what else to do to eliminate that. The phone number is there, the fake email is there, but the body copy is empty. Please help me figure this out.


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I’ve been in the same boat. I keep getting spam emails through my webflow form on my website everyday. I’m going to try adding the reCaptcha to it and see if that fixes the problem. Here’s the tutorial for it : Add a reCAPTCHA field | Webflow University

Hi @uxdsaine,

If you have coding knowledge, you could try to add reCAPTCHA v3.


Actually you can’t use reCaptcha v3 since it requires back-end integration. It is not currently supported. You can get enhanced spam filtering with a third-party form processor like useBasin. Check the University for integrations.

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Thanks everyone. It seems that others experience the same issue and no one has offered a real solution yet. I’ve also tried the Captcha solution, but it doesn’t work. I’m at a lost.

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The reCaptcha v2 is working all fine with me and my clients.
Never got any spam email yet.

@anthonysalamin thank you for your response. Would you be kind enough to walk me through how you set that up? I want to make sure I haven’t missed anything. Thank you so much!

Have a look at the reCAPTCHA guide I included in my response. Should you have any question, let me know.

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For anyone wondering, this worked for me.