Getting Icon and Text to Change Color on Hover

Hi there!

I have an arrow Icon and the text “Work with Us” set inside of a link block. I was able to get the text to change color on hover (#bc997f), but I’d also like the arrow to change color along with the text. Is there any way to do this??

Read only link:

Thanks in advance!

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Hello @christinearel

I can see that you are using an image for the arrow. You can’t really change the image color in Webflow. You can do the following:

  1. Export 2 images > one for the black and one for the hover
  2. Add both images and make the hover image absolute
  3. Change display settings on hover using interactions

Sharing a video for you to see the basic set up >

Hope this helps :webflow_heart:

That worked perfectly! I would’ve never figured that out on my own. Thanks so much Piter!

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Happy to help @christinearel

Feel free to reach out if you need help :webflow_heart:

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