Form submissions not arriving going to spam folder in inbox

It seems after all the marketing for our new website, one of the main forms is not sending the submissions. This is very bad. A lot of time and money has gone into marketing to the interior design community.

The form is on the “Trade and Quantity Discounts” page, reachable from the top right “Custom Info” drop down menu.

Same problem with the “Quick Contact” form in the footer of every page. These did work, as i had tested them myself.

Is there any reason why they should stop working out of the blue? Thanks.

@sethregan can you please double check that all of your forms have separate form names/ID’s within the Designer? Did you by chance copy and paste your forms after building them? Are all form fields required on the form or are you seeing some kind of other odd behavior as far as form submissions coming through?

I did copy and paste the form but did remember to change the names.

Turns out these submissions were being sent to SPAM folder… why? I don’t know but I’ve got it resolved now I think thanks to Dave’s help at WF.

Thanks Waldo.


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