Form Submission Data | Email Template - HTML Formatting

The emailed form results template is very basic with no formatting. Is it possible to have it formatted so it’s more presentable and easier to see the information, i.e. Bold titles, form field data below the titles and a line space between each grouped title and field data?

I cannot find any information about what ‘email templates’ can be created either?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

No, it’s quite limited.
I prefer to use a 3rd party handler called Basin, which has been well worth the small added cost.

Key advantages I’ve found;

  • Phenomenal SPAM handling
  • Ability to see the messages it has classed as spam, rather than them must being deleted
  • Better formatted notification email
  • No unsubscribe link
  • Ability to customize the email using handlebars syntax
  • Display of line breaks in multiline text fields

Is there a URL please as ‘Basin’ is too generic a name and cannot find it in Search Engine?

Found the link!

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