Form select field does not send option values to redirect URL

Dear Beloved Webflow Community,

I’ve designed a basic webpage with a form field of 2 select fields. I’ve set both name and value of these options the same. But when I hit submit, the redirected URL does not include the values I’ve set.

For example, first field ID is machinetype
second is maintenance is maintenanceperiod

Options for 1st is CPAC and RACE
Options for 2nd is 3months and 6months

When I hit submit, it still sends to this link:


what I need is that within those curvy brackets, I need my values from the 1st select field and 2nd select field, for example:


or whatever the correct syntax is…

Could you please show me where I do the mistake?

Thanks in advance.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Weirdly, I’m not seeing your form at all in the designer link, it appears to have been deleted? But I am seeing it in the last published version of your staged site, so I had a look at the source.

It looks like you’ve probably set the form’s Redirect Url to this;


I haven’t double-checked this, but fairly certain there are three mistakes here;
First, that {{syntax}} doesn’t mean anything in Webflow urls, it’s just static text. Second, the Redirect URL is primarily intended for e.g. a Thank You page, and form data is not passed there. Third, you’re directing it back to the homepage, which probably is not setup to receive the URL-passed params in any special way.

What you probably want to do is figure out your destination for the data, let’s say it’s, and put it in the Action field. Then you can choose GET if you want that data passed on the querystring.