Form notification, any way to change {{ formData }}?

Hi everybody!
I am working on a new website for a client and i have troubles with the form notifications. I have looked into the forum, it seams a lot of people have had the same issue: That one has no chance to style the e-mail that gos out. So all the informations are just stacked underneath each other.

I have read about possibilites with mailchimp and Zaphir (i think that was the name), but am looking for a simple solution. Is there any chance, that the Output in the Mail just contains the fields that have a input? It would still not look nice, but would be readable if one has a lot of possible input fields…

Now it just looks like this:

Here would be the read-only link:

i added some titles that are not visible on the web but appear in the Mail Notification, but other than that i didn’t find any solution to somehow structure the Notifications.

If anybody has an idea i would really appreciate it!

Thanks, Catherine

Webflow does not support HTML layouts in form notifications so as long as that is what you use you are going to be looking at text.

If you don’t like that and want complete control you can use a third-party form processor that has HTML support in email notifications. You may be able to use Zapier to do this but I have not used it for this purpose.

thanks for the reply,
but as mentioned i’m not looking for a third-party fix, but a hack i guess.
for example i tried to add a line with dots between the different sections, but i guess HTML recognizes, that there are multiple input-fields that have the same content and only shows the first…