Form error but can't figure out why

Hello, I keep getting a form error but can not figure out why. Last time this happened it was because I hit the 50 form submission limit so I made sure to clear all the test submissions but it keeps happening now. Can anyone tell me what I am missing? Thank you!

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

The javascript console says it’s a 409 Javascript error…

“Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 409 (Conflict)”

I don’t know what that means, but maybe it will help someone who might know the problem.

IIRC, if you’re on the “starter” site plan the 50 submissions is the total number that a free site can receive. Deleting old ones won’t increase that limit. Waiting a month won’t reset that limit. The only way to go past those 50 test submissions is to add hosting.

Basic plan gives you 500/mo, so that should be enough for you to finish the forms testing on your site for a month.

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Oh… that is very good to know… Thank you!

To anyone reading this with same problem - the basic plan increases form submissions but takes away CMS so you have to spend 29 a month on the CMS plan to keep testing. This should be waved or something else given to logic beta members… I’m putting that out there. Also… $29 doesn’t make me feel like it’s cheaper, just say $30 a month and stop being silly.

If you’re just testing, e.g. doing some Logic experiments, you could just clone your site. It’s not very useful for building an actual site, but might be useful for what you’re doing.

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