Footer hiding under my nav bar

Why is my footer hiding under the navbar on some pages, but not on others? It happens when I set position: relative, which I need to do to make it behave on the other pages. If I set it absolute, it sits right through the middle of all pages like on attached screenshot.

And I don’t want to have it sticky or fixed.

I have tried to apply padding to main-content, like I read in a similar post. No luck.

Thank you!

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in columns position change to static.
look video
please take a look at it.

Thank you!
The video is a little bit blurry, so I cannot really see, what you are doing with the nav-bar though, so I cannot say yet if it helps me.

@Lipsync download video

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Thank you @guoshuzhang.
Do you have any idea why suddenly my columns look like this (picture). It slike there is no room for them?

Nevermind, I think I fixed it, thank you!

@Lipsync maybe you can use grid rebuild layout
please take a look at this

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