Flexbox grid in a form?

Can you put a flexbox grid in a form for choices. I have several business cards to place in a grid, but want them to be choose by a radio button or a drop down list.

Here is my site Read-Only: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/herbalife?preview=be82ed1d05d1ceb3c1a45cc2dcd65b16

Sorry made a video and tried to upload it then share it on youtube now I have converted it to a gif to share it…
EDIT: didn’t work either…

Yes you can do it you just need to make the div relative and any information or images are placed above the “Radio Button Field” element. Then set the “Radio Button Field” to absolute positioned to the top with width and height set to 100% then apply display none to both the “Radio Button” and the “Radio Label”.

P.S Set the padding-left from the “Radio Button Field” to 0.

Thanks! I made a lot of changes since this morning, but I i will look into it and see if I can make it work.

Currrent progress: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/herbalife?preview=be82ed1d05d1ceb3c1a45cc2dcd65b16

You will definately be able to make it work with your current design. I would have a focused state that drops the opacity of the image so that the user can determine which item they have selected.

Other than that looks like a top site.