First Webflow Project (Summer Camp Site)

This is my first Webflow website with CMS and Interactions to showcase a Science Summer Camp that also has After School programs and In-School Field Trips. The site also links to an external API to enroll students.

Based on the University Template.

All feed back is encouraged.


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I the use of the template. It’s a very easy to follow site. One thing I noticed is the more featured programs section features information already on the page. For instance on the jr builders page under more programs there is jr builders. You can eliminate this by adding to your filter list course is not current course. Other than that I really like it. Looks like fun camps.


There is not a jr. builders coarse.
But I thing you are saying On the Featured Programs page don’t duplicate under More Featured Programs (same for Discounted Programs). Right?

I apologize it was the little engineer. But yes exactly what I am talking about.


Nice looking site.

The one thing I notices was that site scrolling seems to speed up even though I’m scrolling at the same rate. Makes me feel like i’m loosing control of the page.

Yea I’m using a plugin called mousewheel.js, I wanted the website to be smooth but it can be adjusted.