Finding Classes in the stylesheet

I’m new to webflow and I’m having trouble managing styles.

1/ it appears there is no way to access the style sheet - is that correct?

2/ sometimes a style is not directly related to what I’m working on in the design editor.
eg: we’re using the cms for our blog. there’s a blog post style I want to edit. I view the live site using chrome, Inspect the element - but then how do I go about finding that class so I can edit it?
even when I am working on a page, if I open the Style Manager, there’s a huge list with no ability to search or filter.


hi @Herbal

  1. Correct
  2. Correct

I thing there request for clasess search/filter in wishlist since 2019 and no one know if WF is planing pay attention to it or not. You can vote and pray. :slight_smile:

Thanks Stan.

For all I like about WF, I’m blown away at what’s been missed.
I’ve recently learned there’s no versioning per page nor is there publishing per page.

Voting and praying for me I guess.

Maybe we’re lucky, hope should not dies until last . :wink: