Feedback about your map widget

Hey everyone!

I’d love to chat with anyone who has paid or is currently paying a subscription to a Map Widget for their site. I’m creating a new map widget product and i’d love some feedback on what ways your map widget could be better serving you. If you have any time to spare to answer the questions below or would be willing to jump on a call it’d be massively helpful

  1. Which map widget are you currently using?
  2. Whats the main purpose for your map widget?
  3. What features do you find the most useful in your current map widget?
  4. Are there any features or functionalities that you feel are missing in your current map widget?
  5. How does your current map widget integrate with your other tools or software?
  6. What would you hope a new map widget could do for you?
  7. How would you categorize your website? (e.g ecommerce, blog}

If even one person answers this it’d be amazing, and always happy to communicate via email on or email me a message and i can add you to an email list for when we release.

Thanks, Josh