Fade in icon after delay and then repeat bounce animation

So I’m trying to make an icon fade in after a delay (3000 ms, 450ms ease) and then repeat a little “bounce” animation after that with only a 1000ms delay between each. I currently have two different “triggers” both set to page load, the first one with the animation and the second one with the fade-in. I have the animation and fade-in timed so that it should have gone through one “bounce” animation and be on its wait stage before the next loop as the icon fades in. However, the animation never seems to actually load after the icon fades in. Any ideas?

The site is


and the icon is the little cat icon at the bottom of the hero section.

I only see the fade-in. But it’s only displayed half in my browser, so i see this above my navbar:

And it doesn’t do anything after slide in from bottom. Is that what you’re looking for?