External Linking to Page Sections

I have blog pages setup with in-page linking to drive to different sections. It works seamlessly when you are on the page. However, If i try to link to these sections directly from an email (or go directly to them in a new browser window) It scrolls up too Far.

For example if you go here: Case of the Month | May 2019 - you will notice that you can not see the Header for that section. However if you scroll up and click on the link that drives to that URL, it works great.

Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Here is a link to my project

Hi @JJaclyn3 - Welcome to the forums.

When asking for help in the forums, please share your projects read-only link.

How to share a read only link:

I also changed the topic to Design Help → Layout since this is not an Interactions issue.

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