Exporting code gives an error

Its the first time I´m using Webflow and I never did a website before. So I’m not very familiar with some terms, so all the help is very well appreciated (please!)

I signed up for the LITE Plan and watched all the tutorials.

I had to create a very simple website with one page and I used a free template to create the project.
After all the changes and my photos uploaded, my client asked to export the code to insert on their domain.
When I try to export the code the following message appears:

And when I press the download ZIP, the folder images is completely empty and there´s a document called “MISSING.txt” which contains this:

And I do not know how to fix this.
Can someone help me?
What have I done wrong?

I think you should contact support@webflow.com for this, there’s maybe nothing the community can do about it.