Export section/item

On Webflow homepage we can see there’s an option to export only a section/item. But I don’t have this option when exporting. I’m on a Pro account.

Is this even possible? Would be great.

@rowan I think some parts of the homepage are for upcoming features. I noticed a new ‘large monitor’ icon on the homepage as well - can’t wait for it’s release!

Yep, and modals, tooltips…things just keep getting better.

@rowan Yeah we don’t have this feature yet. I was actually using older screenshots to show off the Code Export part of the tool. Sorry for confusing you! That’s my bad.

@Todd This we want to push next month hopefully!

How come I don’t see this on my webflow account? I’ve found your Symbols but they don’t work yet. Any idea where will that work? :slight_smile: