Just wanted to say thanks for posting this. Fixed a problem I’ve been having with autoplay not working for a while. For everyone else, this is the code I used based on what Klaver posted above:
for HTML Embeds:
<div class="YOUR_CLASS_wrapper">
<video class="YOUR_CLASS" playsinline autoplay muted loop preload="yes" width="100%">
<source src="YOUR VIDEO LINK" type="video/mp4">
for the page body tag:
// Code to capture all videos on the page
const videos = document.querySelectorAll(" .YOUR_CLASS_wrapper .YOUR_CLASS");
//Code to force autoplay on all devices
for (const video of videos) {
video.setAttribute("playsinline", "");
video.setAttribute("muted", "");
If you’re still having trouble with the video appearing after that:
- Make sure your hosted video file link ends with .mp4 (or whatever file extension it is – and if it is different make sure that the type=“video/mp4” reflects that).
- Make sure that the video file size is small enough (this is often the issue)