Embedded button not clickable on mobile

Hi forum,
I’m having a hard time troubleshooting this issue and would love your help.

On the “Our Work” page, I have a Hero Slider symbol element that has an HTML embed for a button. This button triggers a Wistia popover embed. Everything is functioning properly on web, but on mobile the button is visible but not clickable.

In the HTML embed, I’ve set the style of the button and set the position to relative and given it a z-index of 9999. From what I can tell, there aren’t any overlapping elements with a higher z-index.

Thanks for the help!

Here is my site Read-Only:

And here’s the dev site: https://peopleofstory.webflow.io/work

Hi @watersandwich, the Feature Hero class has a z-index: -1 for Tablets and below. Just have to remove that!

Screen Shot 2020-04-16 at 13.14.48

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Oh wow, I feel like it would have taken me forever to catch that! Thanks so much for spotting that!