Embed Will not Show Up on Published Version or Show Up Duplia


I am having an issue with my embed codes working with screwy functionality.
This is going to be a shoppable store that will have the shopping function through the embeds. So, this working flawlessly is imperative.

First my homepage has multiple embed codes added that are valid with the provider, and appear in the inspect tool and flash when you first load the page, but you cannot see and there are very weird padding where the embed code is.

See screenshots, and here is the link for the live page with the embed below the hero.

Then, on another page the same embed code setup and code is showing two embeds despite one line of embed code published.


This will be the

Here is my site Read-Only: (https://releaf-baltimore-f08e2052b9490553954cf4.webflow.io/)

Your embed URL ( the IFRAME src url ) comes up with a blank page.

My guess is either it’s configured incorrectly, or it’s domain-restricted. If you’re trying to view it through your webflow.io site, and Dutchie isn’t configured to recognize that origin, it might be suppressing the page.

So, we do have it configured on the domain url in dutchie which is why it works on this page, and now it is showing up on the homepage but duplicated.

Hey Joe, all I can see is that you’re loading two iframes on your daily deals page.

I’m actually seeing quite a few things that need attention- if you need help getting your site ready you’ll need to share you readonly designer link and use screenshots to help the community locate where you’re having problems and asking questions.

Or if you’re looking for pro help to get these things sorted out, you can DM me for details.