Embed React App in collections page

I’m building a Webflow collection in which I want to embed a ReactJS app; the app renders a complex form. The form must be displayed on every collection page and its inclusion is essential to meet my project’s requirements

I see that I can embed references to my compiled code within the <head> and <body> elements of standard Webflow pages, but I don’t see an API for doing the same thing on collection pages.

How can I get my React scripts into the <head> and <body> elements of my collection pages so my app will render correctly?

Not sure exactly where you’re having issues but in general the easiest integration is an IFRAME.

  • host your custom app somewhere
  • use an Embed element where you want the IFRAME to appear

Other integrations are possible but much more work.

Thanks @memetican , I appreciate the reply

So there’s no way to access this same dialogue box for collection pages?

Yes, but code you put on the collection page will be on all collection pages.
If you’re taking the IFRAME approach and want it per-page, then you can;

  • Add a rich text field to your CMS called e.g. “React iframe”
  • In it, for each CMS item, add an Embed element within the rich text and add your IFRAME html
  • Drop a rich text element on your collection page, and bind it.

If you can isolate your differences to just the URL you’re iframeing, like https://app.mysite.com/widgetmaster?id=123, then you could store just the URL in a CMS field, and use the +Add field feature inside of an embed or code area.

@memetican Thanks, I’ll give that a shot

@shaners you can also find the Custom Code on the settings for the CMS Template Page:

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If you need to add the same code to every page in the CMS, then you can add it to the or sections in there.