E-commerce store - product page variants


I’m building an e-commerce store and have a shop page which has all the variants listed out by images. Link here: https://e-commerce-store-2b37ef.webflow.io/shop

What I want to achieve is, when you click the Circus, Wood (Oak + Black) version, that it goes to its respective product page (https://e-commerce-store-2b37ef.webflow.io/product/circus-wood), and then has that variant loaded up, in this case, the Oak + Black. Right now, it always goes to default, which is the first variant Oak + White.

I’d like to do this for all the variants in the shop.

Thanks for the help and advice,

Here is my public share link: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/e-commerce-store-2b37ef?utm_source=e-commerce-store-2b37ef&preview=ea0a0852abee71bfb9c6034f425c3e4a