E-Commerce - Add to cart button not functioning in one category

Hi all,

Add to cart buttons are not working in the Greeting Cards category here

The behaviour isn’t reliably repeatable, but the add to cart buttons are mostly not adding the product to cart.

There is also a page called Pyarful All Greeting Cards where the same problem is happening.

The rest of the categories and pages are working as expected most of the time, but sometimes also not working correctly.

Before this past week, when the site was launched a couple of weeks ago, everything was working fine, which seems like something buggy is happening.

The add to cart buttons on the product pages themselves are still working fine.

Would really appreciate assistance on this as obviously this is costing us sales all the time.

Share link again is here.


So the add-to-cart buttons are now working the first time the page loads here:

But if you navigate to a different page and back to that page, or refresh the page, they stop working again.

Share link again is here

Pwease pwease give us a signal here!

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