Dynamic copy of current CMS page link

Morning all!

This is probably an easy fix but this has stumped me for the past few weeks.
SO far I have successfully managed to create dynamic copy buttons for Twitter and Facebook, but the only thing that I seem to be unable to do is create dynamic “copy link” share button in order for users to copy the link to the current CMS page that they are on.

Im not sure if its the way I have set up the finsweet copy to clipboard attribute or if I am missing something.
I even tried copying the sinsweet attribute directly to try and better understand how it works and see if I can make some changed to the element bt replacing the attribute with the CMS but that doesn’t give me the option to have the URL copied.
I feel like If I replaced the “copy string” text with the URL of the current CMS, it would only have that CMS URL across all the other CMSs.

but any advice/guidance would be hugely appreciated!

Here is my public share link: LINK

There are a few ways to do this, I use this version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kv_2WD01NRg

Thanks for responding! ill give it a a go and let you know if I could do it!

I get your frustration! Maybe try wrapping the CMS URL in a custom attribute or using JavaScript to fetch the current page’s link dynamically.