Dropdown Animation issue in tablet mode

I am working on dropdown animation in tablet mode where i click on dropdown ,the icon rotates and changes it color. Its working when I run the animation, but not working when I preview the website.

can someone help in fixing this issue?


Here is my public share link: Webflow - Sarthak's Dynamite Site

@Stan Can you help me with issue?

hi @Sarthak_Jain IMO your issue is related to how your animations are assigned to elements in trigger settings you should assign these by class dropdown instead of using element.

Simply said, make sure your triggers are set correctly.

CleanShot 2023-02-08 at 09.35.25

@stan, I applied the trigger settings on class, but interaction still not working

hi @Sarthak_Jain your dropdowns have many different combo classes. I will recommend unifying these. Once done assign an action to dropdown only. At this point, it is too messy (many different classes to identical elements), just simplify it.