Dropdown animation flickers when tapping on mobile on some smartphones

Hello! Help me please)

The drop-down list animation flickers when tap in the mobile version on the Samsung Note 10 Lite, as shown in the video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wKACyFpxUgycqS_ikMdainFLcwlD72W7/view?usp=sharing
On the iPhone 15 Pro, the same animation works fine)

Tell me, what could be the problem? Is there any way to fix this?

Hi Nuta,

I don’t see anything on your video. Could your read only link?

yes: Webflow - Moon Karaoke

I haven’t been able to recreate the issue on any other device, including an emulation of the Note 10 and Note 10 Pro.

Depending on how much time you’d like to put in it, you could recreate the FAQ using another method.

For example:

Thank you!
This problem does not appear on the emulator, it is only on the phone itself(

The emulation I’m using is on real devices, I’m trying to say that it might be a client side user issue, but hard to say.

Maybe so, thank you!