Down button in full screen view to scroll down automic

Hi Webflow,

I’m working on a new website where the cases have a full screen view. To make it easier I want to place an arrow on the image so it can beclicked on to scroll to the section below the header. I had this working, but somehow when i hit the button it doesn’t go down.

Here is my public share link:

And it is about this page:

Thanks in advance

Hello, @martijnrunia

The reason of the issue that you are experiencing is fixed navigation, which takes full height of the screen.

In HTML5 the navigation (tag “nav”) or header (tag “header”) with fixed position automatically “cutting” screen height so the sections with the scrolling navigation would stop just UNDER that element (nav or header). Since your navbar take all screen, the section stops under the screen.

Wrap the navbar with section or div, make that section position: fixed and navbar make position: absolute.


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Hi Anna,

Thanks for your reply, this workaround worked!

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