Does canceling a plan just lock projects or delete them, too?

My primary profession is in full swing right now, and I have had almost no time to invest in web design. I maybe used 2 days of my entire Lite plan last month, and it looks like this month will be the same.

This page says that all of my projects except 2 will be locked, however when actually canceling I’m greeted with this contrary message:

So which is it? Does webflow lock or delete overflow projects?

Thanks for your help.

Also I did do a search but my question is a bit more specific than the answers that popped up.

Hi @NewInBoston
Thanks so much for posting about this.

Your site’s will locked rather than deleted. Apologies for the confusion here.

I have alerted the team of this and we will towards a solution to make this a bit clearer.

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Thanks for the update/clarification. Glad I was also able to point out a possible mistake on the site :wink:


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