Do you record the process of designing your website?

Hello webflow family. I have a question that will you record the creating process in webflow? Recently, I have seen an article about How to Record the Design Process on Webflow?
This guide talks about some of the advantages of the recording process such as protecting creative independence, as evidence, etc. I’m a newbie and considering whether to record a video, do you have any suggestions? Thanks a lot!

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I think this could be a great idea. Could be nice to go back through something for reference (as long as you can keep track, as I imagine the videos would end up quite long). Also nice to have to use for timelapses or something if you ever want to create video content about Webflow.

I would recommend just using something like OBS to record though instead of paying for this software.

Thank you for your reply and suggestions. But I tried obs and find it is too difficult for me to use. :sob: Everytime I need to create a scene and add sources.