Div disappearing on live mobile site

On my Webflow preview and when I shrink my desktop window it renders appropriately. However when I look at the website on my actual phone (iPhone 5) the mobile portfolio group is missing.

Here is my public share link: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/elise-design?preview=e73fccd5e59094627930d2d98198fca7]
([how to access public share link][2])

Hi @Destini_Elise,

I am not sure why you need this many items. Is there a reason?

The portfolio section is two images and a little bit of text but they are built using so many divs that they don’t even fully fit on my screen. I guess the reason your images don’t show up is somewhere in there. Shows up on my phone, though. But I noticed several positioning issues and also bad overflows which make for a horizontally scrollable site and google thinks your website is Danish.

I would just rebuild it from scratch if I were you.


That group you’re looking at is the desktop version where I have an animated element and doesn’t appear on mobile at all. I have another set of divs for the mobile view.

this is the container with the portfolio in it

You need to click the image to enlarge it.
All these divs are just for two cards, thats a bit much. The effect on desktop is delayed (bad UX) and overflows your image (bad UI). You can recreate this effect silky smooth using webflows interactions.
If you are going through the trouble of having duplicate content (bad SEO) why don’t you at least optimise your images? 2mb for an image displayed at roughly 400x300? Ouch.

Sorry I can’t help further but looking at all these elements is a bit too much for me.


There eventually going to be six elements that why I have set up the way I do. Thank you for your time but I really just need to know why the div isn’t showing up on my iPhone 5.

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