Different backgrounds - Different Nav Bars / Interaction not Working

Hey there. This is my first forum submission. I am REALLY stuck.

The website I am building is loosely built on the Hecco tutorial of Background fade in- fade out meditative scrolling. I found out that the nav bar logo can fade in different colors if I replicate the same nav bar and make a White Version + Blue Version.

Sorry for the long intro but here’s the question:

The nav bar interaction (mouse click) works perfectly fine if it is placed on the Body of the website (i placed the white one on the body currently)

however, when placed in the DEMO BG 2 section it shows properly but doesnt click!

Try moving it to the body to see what i mean

Any ideas as to why that is the case? I tried the absolute vs fixed positioning (and pretty much any other solution) several times with no avail.so BIG TIME appreciate any help


Here is my public share link: