Designing actual collection page?

Hi guys,

Hope you are well,

Say I have the slug ‘/how-to-train-for-a-10k/item-slug’ for my collection being called ‘How to train for a 10k’…

Is there a way to design the page for ‘How to train for a 10k’ and a different design for the collection items?

At the moment I get a ‘page not found’ when I try and navigate to ‘/how-to-train-for-a-10k’

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks,


Yes, you’d create a static page with the slug how-to-train-for-a-10k and it would have its own layout.

Your collection with the same slug would then generate a collection page, which you’d create a different layout on.

Thank you! This was a great help!

Will the collection items have the slug twice now? ‘how-to-train-for-a-10k/how-to-train-for-a-10k/item-slug’?

I may have got that totally wrong!

Many thanks,


No, nothing changes there.

Thanks for the help! Really appreciate all the help!