Custom Form Select by Finnsweet Attributes doesn’t load


I implemented the Custom Form Select from Finnsweet Attributes and it isn’t loading my items from the Form Select field. I have set up everything correctly so I have no idea what to do anymore. Please check out my Read-only link and Published site (this is only where you will be able to see the custom dropdown in action) to see it.

This is the link from the documentation: Custom Form Select Field for Webflow

I hope someone has experience with this and can help me with this.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
Here is my site Published: LINK

I got it! :smile: Forgot to add a dropdown link in the dropdown itself. That triggered the other form select options. This post can therefore be forgotten however I do highly recommend checking Finnsweet out because it’s easy to setup (if you copy everything it correctly) and you can build custom dropdown options in Forms and many other cool things.

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