Custom form radio buttons not working on desktop


I have a custom code for the style a radio button label when checked. It worked for a few weeks and now it suddenly stopped working a few days ago. I tried some other basic codes like changing the cursor but that also does not work. I changed nothing in the code and also changed nothing in the form.


input[type="radio"]:checked + {
    		opacity: 0.6;
  	border: black 2px solid;
  transform: scale(1.1)


Here is my public share link:


I discovered the radio button style works when i click it on mobile but not on a desktop.

Try this. Looks like your selector is wrong.

+ select the span after radio:
In your code you select label after radio (But in the DOM - this is span with class of “label”)

correct code

[type="radio"]:checked +
  opacity: 0.6;
  border: black 2px solid;
  transform: scale(1.1)

This code also will works fine (Less specific):

[type="radio"]:checked + span
  opacity: 0.6;
  border: black 2px solid;
  transform: scale(1.1)