Custom breakpoint?

Hello, I was wondering if it was possible to do the following:

I really like how my website looks on my MacBook (1680x1050). I would like for it to look like this on my smaller desktop (1920 x 1080) as well, BUT I want my larger desktop (2560 x 1440) to be larger since the text looks too small. I was wondering if there was a way to make it so that (1680x1050) and (1920 x 1080) could be the exact same, but have the (2560 x 1440) be different? Thank you.

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Hi afrohorse, this doesn’t usually need a custom code solution. Just click the three dots at the top of the designer and add a 1440p breakpoint, and style however you’d like. Hope this helps!

Thank you so much for replying @ColemanChrisB

I explained it poorly so I apologize, but what I’m looking for is a little different. Basically, I’m trying to see if there’s some sort of custom code where I can keep the way my 2560px looks, but make it so that my 1920px looks like my 1680px.

I added styles to my 1920px already thinking for some reason that it would be 1921px and beyond, so now I’m trying to see if there’s a fix where I can make it so the styles are kept for 1921px and beyond and have 1920px same as my 1680px. Hopefully that explains it better, thank you!