Create a form containing 4 numberfields only accepting double numbers, with one field autofilled


I’m about to begin with a new form, that when filled out correctly it will send you to another page within the website.

The form needs to contain 4 number fields, that is restricted to contain only two numbers in each field. ( {10} {75} {50} {00} is the final solution to let you through)

Skjermbilde 2024-06-12 kl. 15.21.40

Can anyone with some coding skills please help me a little on the way here? I guess this can’t be done with the native forms in Webflow, or with logic?

Thanks in advance.

Here is my site Read-Only: Haven’t started the project yet
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

I was able to get this working fine, after a long conversation with my pal ChatGPT.

Here’s the final code, if anyone needs it:

<!-- HTML kode for skjemaet -->
<div class="form-container">
<form id="customForm" class="form-wrapper">
<div class="form-wrapper-flex">
<div class="input-wrapper">
<img src="URL to icon here" class="form-icon">
  <input class="input-field" type="text" id="vannkraft" name="vannkraft" maxlength="2" required>
  <label for="vannkraft">Vannkraft</label>

  <div class="input-wrapper">
  <img src="URL to icon here" class="form-icon">
  <input class="input-field highlighted" type="text" id="havvind" name="havvind" maxlength="2" value="75" required>
  <label for="havvind">Havvind</label>

  <div class="input-wrapper">
  <img src="URL to icon here" class="form-icon">
  <input class="input-field" type="text" id="solkraft" name="solkraft" maxlength="2" required>
  <label for="solkraft">Solkraft</label>

  <div class="input-wrapper">
  <img src="URL to icon here" class="form-icon">
  <input class="input-field" type="text" id="batteri" name="batteri" maxlength="2" required>
  <label for="batteri">Batteri</label>
  <button type="submit" class="form-submit">Åpne invitasjon</button>

<!-- JavaScript kode for validering og innsending -->
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
  const form = document.getElementById('customForm');
  const vannkraftInput = document.getElementById('vannkraft');
  const havvindInput = document.getElementById('havvind');
  const solkraftInput = document.getElementById('solkraft');
  const batteriInput = document.getElementById('batteri');

  // Fjern tidligere event listeners for å forhindre flere alert-meldinger
  form.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
    event.preventDefault(); // Hindre standard form submissjon
    const vannkraft = vannkraftInput.value.trim();
    const havvind = havvindInput.value.trim();
    const solkraft = solkraftInput.value.trim();
    const batteri = batteriInput.value.trim();

    // Sjekke at alle verdiene er nummeriske og har nøyaktig 2 sifre
    const isTwoDigits = (value) => /^\d{2}$/.test(value);

    if (!isTwoDigits(vannkraft) || !isTwoDigits(havvind) || !isTwoDigits(solkraft) || !isTwoDigits(batteri)) {
      alert('Hvert felt må inneholde nøyaktig 2 sifre.');

    if (vannkraft === '10' && havvind === '75' && solkraft === '50' && batteri === '00') {
      // Viderekoble til en ny side
      window.location.href = '/invitasjon'; // Endre '/ny-side' til URL-en du ønsker å videresende til
    } else {
      alert('Vennligst fyll inn riktig nummer for hvert felt.');
  }, { once: true });

We ran into this issue as well when working on a client project and created a solution for how to validate text inputs.

If you check out the tutorial video you’ll get walked through the issue as well as implementing the solution from start to finish.

Please feel free to tag me if you have any questions!

Happy Thursday!