Country specific domain name

Hi there, I’m a graphic designer who keeps getting asked by clients if I can create websites, so after a lot of investigation web flow seems like a good option for me, but I am in New Zealand, will I be able to have my domain names be country specific i.e. end in rather than .com, there is little point in me doing it this way, if I can’t offer my clients

Of course you can. Two solutions.

Hosted on Webflow: you need to declare your domain name in the dashboard. it comes at a cost, $4 a month.

Hosted on another server: export the code and host it on any server with any domain name, the classic way.

Perspective: for your client, if you make them pay $48 a year for the hosting (wich covers only the custom domain name), it’s quite cheap. And you’re more comfortable to publish your site, it’s all in webflow.