Content box don´t overlap on slider

Hi there,

try to use an overlapping content box on slider (which is always present, not just for each slide) like in the Photoshop example below. But it doesn´t work in webflow. The slider either pushes down the content box or the content box pushes down the slider or it stays behind the slider. Like in the 2nd screenshot. If i use a constant hero section it works though. I definitly use the slider.

Thanks for any help in advance !

(Photoshop Layout)

(Webflow screenshot)

Hi @aykut , it looks like you have some z-index issue there, can you share your public site link, and we can take a look further. You can Enable your Public Link from Site Settings, copy that link here and then can see how you have the individual element classes setup :smile:

Cheers, Dave

Hi @cyberdave,

thanks for the fast reply. Here´s the Public Link:

@cyberdave is 100% right.

First change the position of the content_BG to relative then change the z-index to 1.


Great. Thanks so much. It works :wink:

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