Connect Link Block with Radio Button

Hello everyone,

My goal for this website is to direct the user to the next section after they have clicked on a radio button. I have tried putting the radio button inside a link block, but this prevents the radio button from being activated.

Is there any other way to achieve this?

LINK: Webflow - Hairtravel

Hi Moriz, you can with javascript and scrollIntoView.

You’d setup a click event trigger on your radio button groups, and any click would also issue a scrollIntoView on the following section element.

I have the same problem. The javascript and scrollIntoView suggested by @memetican is not just working for me. Can anybody help

Hey Chris, there’s not much to it.
Just make sure your event handler is correctly bound and that you’re targeting the right element.

Here’s an example codepen showing how it behaves, and one approach to the JS.