Columns disappear in mobile view

My social badges in my columns on my footer are disappearing and the display setting isn’t set on ‘none’, not sure what is happening! I’m also not sure how to make the icons closer together in desktop view either.

Column 3 set to flex- horizontal
img(badge) max-width: none

I would like to recommend to just use div-blocks instead of columns / containers, they are better way flexible

Hi there. I suspect your columns have a set height and width, so remove the height and set their layout to flex so that it will grow and shrink in relation to the content inside. also if your overflow is set to hidden you might want to set it to visible for your columns. I hope this was helpful.

It still seems to be disappearing, even when I move them out of columns for some reason.
My container settings look OK to me, even when I try to edit the max width of the container in PX nothing seems to be happening

Screen Shot 2022-07-19 at 4.34.53 PM

Hi @elysealligood,

I’ve recorded a quick demo of how to fix this here: CleanShot 2022-07-20 at 10.49.53 · CleanShot Cloud

To recap, if you set the max-width of the ‘badge’ image element to 100% on the mobile portrait breakpoint, it should fix the issue!

Hope this helps.

AMAZING thank you!!!

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