CMS Random Order Option Missing?

Does anyone know if Weblow remove the ramdom order sorting on collection list?

I used it in my website before and I want to have the same sorting on a different collection list but the random order button is gone on the sort order setting. TIA

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

This post may help you with this:

Also, here is a video tutorial:

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Thanks @PixelGeek but I’m actually looking for the “random order” without any custom code. Webflow had it before but now I can’t see the “random order” to select in the collection list setting. I included the screenshots of my old and current settings below. The first image is from my recent website and is sorted out by “Work Name”. I want to change it to “Random Order” like the one on the second image but it’s not allowing me because there is no “random order” option. I hope I’m making sense.

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I’m having the same issue. It’s available for one blog CMS but not another :man_shrugging:

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