CMS List Sync (won't sync :)


I am working with Timothy Ricks’ CMS List Sync template but I am stuck making it work:

Console says both CMS items (link block + corresponding rich-text) get their combo class ‘.is-active’ on click but the rich-text won’t change accordingly.

window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (event) => {
  // attribute value checker
  function attr(defaultVal, attrVal) {
    const defaultValType = typeof defaultVal;
    if (typeof attrVal !== "string" || attrVal.trim() === "") return defaultVal;
    if (attrVal === "true" && defaultValType === "boolean") return true;
    if (attrVal === "false" && defaultValType === "boolean") return false;
    if (isNaN(attrVal) && defaultValType === "string") return attrVal;
    if (!isNaN(attrVal) && defaultValType === "number") return +attrVal;
    return defaultVal;
  // cms list sync component
  $("[tr-listsync-element='component']").each(function (index) {
    let componentEl = $(this),
      cmsListEl = componentEl.find("[tr-listsync-element='list']"),
      cmsItemEl = cmsListEl.children(),
      prevButtonEl = componentEl.find("[tr-listsync-element='button-prev']"),
      nextButtonEl = componentEl.find("[tr-listsync-element='button-next']");
    let onLoadSetting = attr(false, componentEl.attr("tr-listsync-onload")),
      activeIndexSetting = attr(0, componentEl.attr("tr-listsync-activeindex")),
      activeClassSetting = attr("is-active", componentEl.attr("tr-listsync-activeclass"));
    function addActive(trigger) {
      let itemIndex = trigger.index();
      cmsListEl.each(function () {
    if (onLoadSetting) addActive(cmsItemEl.eq(activeIndexSetting));
    cmsListEl.each(function () {
      let childrenItemEl = $(this).children(),
        clickSetting = attr(true, $(this).attr("tr-listsync-click")),
        hoverInSetting = attr(false, $(this).attr("tr-listsync-hoverin")),
        hoverOutSetting = attr(false, $(this).attr("tr-listsync-hoverout"));
      if (clickSetting) {
        childrenItemEl.on("click", function () {
      if (hoverInSetting) {
        childrenItemEl.on("mouseenter", function () {
      if (hoverOutSetting) {
        childrenItemEl.on("mouseleave", function () {
    prevButtonEl.on("click", function () {
      cmsListEl.each(function (index) {
        let childrenItemEl = $(this).children();
        let currentItemEl = childrenItemEl.filter("." + activeClassSetting).removeClass(activeClassSetting);
        let prevItemEl = currentItemEl.prev();
        if (prevItemEl.length === 0) prevItemEl = childrenItemEl.last();
    nextButtonEl.on("click", function () {
      cmsListEl.each(function (index) {
        let childrenItemEl = $(this).children();
        let currentItemEl = childrenItemEl.filter("." + activeClassSetting).removeClass(activeClassSetting);
        let nextItemEl =;
        if (nextItemEl.length === 0) nextItemEl = childrenItemEl.first();

In my opinion I have properly added the custom attributes in Webflow for the component (section) and the CMS lists.

It is this section here:

Something simple must be happening here but I am stuck going in circles here for hours. Would someone be so kind to take a look? Thank you!

Best regards

Would you have the chance to take a look why the CMS list won’t sync (or show) properly? – @memetican and @Stan

Thank you,

hi @ronno.o your jQuery works as expected, the issue is related to CSS positioning.

the elements with data are next to each other but they should be on top of each other. You can’t see the issue because you have set overflow:hidden disable it when you work on fix.

Hope this will point you right direction

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Omg, I was blind not to see that position: absolute was missing on the CMS item.

Thank you so much @Stan

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