CMS > Import CSV - Missing a plain Text Column


I am trying to make a layout with a 2 columns CSV.
Unfortunately 1 of the columns doesn’t show up. I can see it in the collection list, but not in the “Inner text settings” on the layout.

There are accents. Could it be that ?
I tried to export CSV with Airtable, Numbers, and G. Sheet.


Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

@Dajm_Arnaud can you please post a read-only link so someone can better assist you and maybe a link to the CSV file too.

Yes. Of course.

So to explain, it’s on a Design System page where I set a dropmenu called « Collège Employeurs », Tag called « DROP MENU CA ». The CSV has 2 columns « Nom » & « Fonction ». I ready imported the Name. But « Fonction » doesn’t appear in the list.

The CSV file Here

The Ready Link here


Your CSV file is semicolon separated. It needs to contain valid comma separated values.

If you open it in a text editor, it should look like this:

“Chrystelle DERRIEN (Membre du Bureau)”,“Vice-Présidente - CFDT Services”

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Thanks a lot.
I will try.