CMS filter only showing 1 product

I’ve followed the steps and succesfully set up a simple list selling online courses, theres only 6 products; Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign etc and they repeat every few months, ideally when choosing the one software product from the checkbox list shows all it’s corispoding dates stack up… My problem is it only shows 1 product, is there a simple fix to this? Am i making an obvious error?

Please help and thanks in advanced


Here is my public share link: Webflow - Pixel & Vector

Hello @pixelandvector so the problem you have has to do with the field identifier, the one you added to your filter-checkbox_label, fs-cmsfilter-field=“Software”, you have to add the same attribute to your course_yums or to the course_yums h1 heading. Otherwise the Finsweet filtering doesn’t know what to filter by. I hope this helps.

Hey @Pablo_Cortes, yeah I added the Software attribute to both course_yums and its header (wish I hadn’t given it a silly name now) in the custom attributes field > fs-cmsfilter-field=“Software” and it is working but only showing one of the products… for example I have 4 Photoshop courses set up as unique products only different by date… by defualt it shows all (great) when the Photoshop check box is selected it only shows 1 Photoshop product istead of all 4 under the same catagorie…

Hope this is clearer, thanks for you initial reply.


Hey @pixelandvector, yeah try to remove it from the course_yums and leave it on the heading, thats what finsweet uses on this cloneable Webflow CMS Filter - Webflow
Another think I would try to see if maybe it is causing your issue, is the sorting you are using on your products collection
Screenshot 2024-09-06 at 12.36.08 PM
try removing that sorting and check if that is causing the issue, you might have to use the Finsweet sorting and filtering together. I hope this helps.

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Hey fella,
I’ve just checked over your points and can’t find the fualt… removed the attribute from yums makes no difference.
The sort order is vital to show the course order from top to bottom, i did mess with it but makes no difference.

The issues kicks in when you choose the tick box… you can scroll down by default and see all the later dates for Photoshop (for example) when you hit the checkbox I want it show just the PS courses but it only shows the one single date, can’t figure it out?!

Thanks for your input @Pablo_Cortes

Hey @pixelandvector,
It seems like you might have a glitch, I mean your set up is correct, I’ve used the Finsweet filtering many many times and I never got this outcome. You should try the Finsweet forum, they will let you know exactly what is going on. Good luck!

Oh dude, they want me to pay $59/quarter for me to effectively ask one question :tired_face:

Does anyone else know how to fix this seemly simple issue?



Just took a quick glance, I see the same problem Pablo described.

fs-cmsfilter-field identifies the thing you’re comparing between the list and the filter. Remove that attribute from your course_yums element, you want it only on the title.

Republish, and test it on a different device where nothing is cached, or delete all of your browser cache for this site ( webStorage, etc ) to ensure FS isn’t showing you cached data. It caches for FS Load, and might cache for FS Filter as well.

Also watch out for casing inconsistencies like software v. Software, I’m not certain if FS is particular about it.

That should do it.

Just a note however, you also have a bit of a weird setup here since your filter is built from Categories but you’re filtering on Product Name. I think that should work, as long as they’re identical strings… but be careful about typos, spaces, and case-mismatches.

The normal way to do this would be to use a nested collection list inside of products, which emits up to 5 categories, and those categories are where the filter attributes would be placed.

Ok so I was messing with the fields since I couldn’t get it work out of desperation since I last posted for help, I have changed everything back but it’s still only showing one product when filtered.

Stupid question, yes I want to filter with my category name to show all Photoshop courses I get that. The listed names with checkboxes are taken from the categories, so why is it filtered by product name?

I get the normal way you’re suggesting, choose your product and pick a nested variant, but I’m not quite sure that is what I need, I want the category ‘Photoshop’ attached to the list checkbox, and when the viewer clicks it, to reveal all the Photoshop products with their different dates using said category.

Thanks for your help @memetican, I hope I don’t sound like too much of a noob, amature webflow enthusiast here :grin:

Because you set it up that way ;)

You have a text element, bound to your Product Name, and you’ve put the FS attribute on that. FS is only able to see the published HTML, so it’s comparing your Category Names ( in the filter form ) with your Product Names ( in the main collection list ).

Again I think that might work, because I expect it’s doing a straight text compare, but you’re getting strange results, so maybe there’s some issue with that approach.

I’d build that collections part correctly, the FS docs show a nearly identical setup in their video, but using radio buttons.

A few other things-

Check for invalid attributes, like the extra one you have on price.

I’d also watch out for interactions that might hide elements, and other scripts that could interfere.