CMS Filter bug?

Hello, I have set up a number of CMS Collection Lists on my client’s page for a CMS-powered Calendar. Previously, I had different filters set for each list to show events for the next seven days (including the present day). I achieved this by adding two filters to each list: 1. show event (CMS item) if “Start Time” is before or equal to (x) days in the future and 2. show event (CMS item) if “Start Time” is after or equal to (x) days in the future. With that logic, it should only show events equal to (x) days in the future. This works for each day except for “Today” which has the filters: before or equal to 0 days in the past, and after or equal to 0 days in the past.

These filters worked fine previously for the past year but for some reason they no longer work and will not show any event. We did not change anything to affect this, the filters stopped working. Might there be a bug with the CMS Filters that is leading to the issue?

I shared a read-only link below, but please note that for an interim fix I have had to rig the two filters to: 1. show event if “Start Time” is before or equal to (x) days in the future and 2. show event if “Start Time” is after or equal to (x-1) days in the future. With that, this interim fix shows CMS Items from multiple days which defeats the purpose. The ideal filters are the original ones listed above in the first paragraph.
