CMS empty state not appearing on

Hello community,

We used Finsweet attributes to build the filters but the empty state div is not showing on a live public page When you select Journal Publications and Materials. We also use the same filters on our Resources page. I have checked the FS Attributes and they are set correctly. The resources collection is combining 3 collections into one so its more complex than the CAS insights collection which is only one collection. resources link is here Resources.
Any help is appreciated.


Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Hey @James_Norman

Can you share please you read-only link?

The empty state div should create outside of the CMS collection. Just move below .cas-filter_empty and it should work

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Thanks so much. Daria

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That worked. I am so grateful for your quick reply. Now I can help the next person who runs into same issue.

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