CMS Editor undo and redo

@cyberdave So i’ve almost sold webflow to the CEO in order to switch over from wordpress. But I’m a little wary because I found out you can’t do a simple undo or redo from the CMS editor? Company has big goverment entities as clients soooo if we are going to replace wordpress CMS then they shouldn’t have to ask us for every little mistake they want to undo. I know this was talked about before in the forum. I’m just not sure if it’s even relevant on the wishlist.

Here are some references but they didn’t go any where

Dave if you could, Email me directly so I can talk with you about some specifics because theres information sensitive that I don’t wish to expose on the forum.

I often wonder if this will ever come to fruition as it is still a point of pain for my clients. It would be so wonderful if so and gives Webflow a fighting chance against some of my die hard Wordpress clients.

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@cfleveratto – whatever you discuss privately, please feed back any findings us. It’s one of the things that is really lacking in the CMS and it would be good to know more about the current sate of affairs.

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@outerwhitespace i totally agree. Wordpress wasn’t meant for what it is being used for now. All the features and addons were built upon a crumbling foundation. I personally believe webflow could easily take over. They’re still fairly new but filled with so much potential.

@spirelli I will make sure to do so. I really believe in what webflow is doing and I see it going really far. Especially with everything they are doing.

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Yeah, I also think WF is great! However, precious little has happened on the CMS front in the past year… A bit more would need to happen in terms of features in order to make it really the destination to go to. But unfortunately, CMS doesn’t seem to be a priority…

Moved to Feedback category.

My thoughts exactly :slight_smile:

@spirelli yeah. I agree. Its probably good enough at this moment especially with all the designer features they are working on like search and moving design elements across projects. However, if the CMS doesn’t get an update, Webflow would be the go to designer but then wordpress would be the go to CMS. For me, I think its more practical for a client to have on page editing then to deal with a clunky UI like wordpress to make simple changes.

@cyberdave did you get a chance to see this?

I’m furious as a developer that the CMS still doesn’t support this. I get calls from clients all the time complaining over the fact that they can’t undo something they just changed in the editor.