CMS Collections and references

CMS collections:
Series Name
Blog Post

In blogpost, if the post is part of a series I select the series name from the series name reference field in the blog post cms.

I’ve made my tags page with 2 divs. One shows if the tag is series and the other is set to hidden. If the tag isn’t series that is reversed.

If that tag is series I want to display the Series Name with the posts listed below it.
That is where I’m stuck.

Unless I add a multireference field to my ‘series name’ cms with the associated posts I can’t use my ‘series name’ as the linked collection reference as it won’t pull up the blog posts collection.

If I use the blog post collection to link on It want to put the series name with each blog post (instead of series name with all associated blog posts listed below).

Is there a way to avoid having to add the multireference field to my ‘series name’ collection just to get this to work?

Here is what I want:

Cybersecurity 101 < Series name
        Basic terms to know <blog post 1
        How cybercriminals have changed their game plan <blog post 2
        Impact of a security breach <blog post 3
        Best practices to keep you safe <blog post 4

the only thing I can get to work:

cybersecurity 101 > basic terms to know
cybersecurity 101 > How cybercriminals have changed their game plan
cybersecurity 101 > Impact of a security breach
cybersecurity 101 > Best practices to keep you safe

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)