CMS and Sliders

I’ve been looking for information on how to allow site contributors to update the webflow slider, but have found information on partial control so far.

One of the methods included adding a collection to a slide with a few workarounds to kind of put it together.

I wonder if there are any official best practices to create a slider that clients may easily update? I also wonder if a background image tile can be set for the slider, in a way contributors can later change and update? All the threads I found only mentioned the possibility of adding a lone, non-tiling image.

One of the threads described using custom code and linked to for a guide on dynamic sliders, but there’s a 404 page. (without the dash) lead to a sample slider though, but no info.

Thank you and I apologize if this info is readily available somewhere I didn’t spot or think to look!

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)


Hello, Yaco!
It’s pretty simple to set-up a slider that is able to be edited from the Webflow CMS.
I put together a 7min long video of how to set this up really quick from scratch without using any custom code.
Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Screencast Video:

Slide + CMS Best Method

Preview Link to CMS Slider Example:

CMS Slider Preview Link

If you have any other questions for me please reach out on my creative agency site


Thank you for taking the time, it answers my question. Very concise and thorough video!

I had put off work on the slider until most of the site was done (which is now) and spotted your reply, quite useful to know it can be set up like that.

New slides can’t be added through the cms, there has to be a predefined number right? I don’t need to do that at all, just wondering.

Thanks again @Scott_Van_Zandt !

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This is excellent. Using this for simpler future sliders because this method limits the number of slides for a client if I’m not misunderstanding. I guess you could go one further and style the whole dynamic item and then copy the dynamic wrapper. So there is no need to style each individually. I’ve used the custom code method in the past but this is awesome for simpler jobs. Thanks again.


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Glad I could help @jbleroux

@Scott_Van_Zandt @jbleroux For a slider that allowed for new slides via the CMS, the only way at the moment is to use custom code?

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Did you figure it out with the custom code? I have it implemented on a few sites now. @SidneyOttelohe’s sample was what I followed.

custom slider here
the documentation is really good ,

working site

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Thank you!

I was just asking to have an answer before the need arises.

For this project, Scott’s solution is a perfect fit, as I want to limit the number of slides.

Thank you for the links, quite useful.

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Thanks Scott. This is a lifesaver for me.

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@Ty_Lou No Problem :slight_smile: I’m glad I could help Ty!