Clicking Site Settings Opens Designer


From the Dashboard, when hovering over a project, if I click on Site Settings, it opens the Designer, from which I have to again click Site Settings to open the Site Settings.

Just FYI.

Weird, works perfectly fine for me

I just tried it again (third time) and it worked the way it should.

Sometimes Webflow is very unpredictable… I never know if I’ve done something wrong, if Webflow is buggy, or if I just need to go and take a nap for a couple of hours until the boogey man goes away.

Wishing for a downloadable version (again) to rule out “connection issues.”

You can also click on the gear icon on the bottom right of each project.

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This will never happen (at least in the next 10 years) no matter what you think.

Edit: Just being realistic :sweat_smile:

No need to be rude. :cry:

I can dream…

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